Thursday, October 19, 2023

Day #17 - The Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge

It's a short post for Day #17 of our celebration of our friend Janis Woolbright, but I hope you'll enjoy this brilliant advert/video Janis originally shared on one of her past Hops. It made me laugh so much I just knew it deserved to be shared again!

Here are a few memes I know I'd have sent Janis's way. BTW,  I'm loving all the funnies you guys are sharing too!

See you tomorrow!

If you've just arrived you're joining the fun on Day #17 of The Cat Lovers Christmas Challenge. Please head here for the sign-in and the LINKY PARTY. 


  1. Oh lordy lordy!!! I've just had a belly laugh, that video I remember, but still as funny as the first time! As with the lazy cat and the big mouse!! Teehee... so funny - bless Janis as she had such a wonderful sense of humour! Thanks for sharing this again Jo! Priceless!

  2. Thanks for sharing this video! I needed this laugh this morning. Have a great day!

  3. Laughing out loud here! The one with the lazy mouse is hilarious! And the big mouse, just too cute! I remember seeing the video but I'm so happy to see it again, what fun! I need to share these with hubby! Thank you for the laugh!!!

  4. What a funny video, have not seen it before!! And I can never get enough cat memes. These are so fun! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Fabulous! Love the big mouse! I must share these with my niece!

  6. In the video I especially love the part when he uses a lint roller to remove the cat hair from his jacket!! ... *LOL*

  7. What a great commercial!! It's amazing how genius some minds are to think of the connection. Also love the fun memes (every post!). I really love how the 'tree fainted'. LOL

  8. LOL - enjoyed that video clip, Jo! Haven't we all tried to herd cats at one time or another?!

  9. Thanks for the laughter!! Janis had collected really a big amount of funny memes in the years! The video is so clever! I never thought I could make a ball with my cat's hair I find everywhere, what a brilliant crafting technique! LOL

  10. Bahahaha, that's great! And I LOVE the memes! :D

  11. LOL....that lazy cat - too funny!!!

  12. that video is so fun!
    ahaha Christmas tree fainted LOL
    hahaha she cought mouse who alredy is traped!
    Oh I wish my cat bring houme deer!


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