Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #77 - Reminder Post

Hi there, it's time for our mid-month reminder here at Christmas Kickstart. 

Challenge #77 - Just Elfing Around!

This month we're playing with returning elf Di, and having heaps of fun with our theme. Di has very kindly created additional cards for our challenge and just look at the stamp set she picked!

So much fun, and I love the colour combos - thanks, Di!

Here's Di's original card for our challenge.

I love Di's card with it's adorable die-cut elf and so couldn't resist breaking out Paper Smooches Wise Dies - Stockings for some Die Cut fun! I do miss Paper Smooches

Card #2 from me looks like this and may suggest where the elf is heading from my first card! You can find the info on my cards by clicking HERE

The lovely Di has donated our Random Raffle Prize for August so welcome to Di's Dream Draw. Rudolph will be randomly picking the winner as usual. 


I bought a set of these cute stamps a while ago, so decided to share a card I made with them so you can see what a lovely prize Di has provided.

Monday, August 7, 2023

Let's Trim the Tree for Christmas Kickstart Challenge #76 - Gingerbread Treats

It's time to Trim that Tree for Challenge #76!

We were in lovely company for this challenge as our elf was Carol from just me:c. Thanks for partnering with me for this challenge, Carol, it's been such fun.

Our theme was Gingerbread Treats and after a slowish start the gallery filled up and up! We had some gorgeous cards for this challenge  - thank you so much to everyone who played along. Picking just a few cards to showcase has been really difficult, but this is what we came up with...

Our Top Picks for this challenge are:

#14 - Meg

Such a great design, and a fab idea to use silver and white! We love this!

We both swooned over these adorable cookie tins.

Just look at this little guy - beautifully coloured 
AND paired with itty, bitty gingerbread patterned paper!

Our Winner and Tree Topper for this week are:

We both fell head over heels for this guy with his latte in hand!


Such a beautifully coloured card with so much pretty detail.

I'm sure you'll all agree that the standard of entries for this challenge was just off the scale wonderful!

Congratulations to all our WINNERS, I hope you enjoy flaunting your blog badges for all the world to see!

And Rudolph's Random Raffle winner for this challenge is:


#8 Marina - It's you!

Congratulations, Marina, please email me a dottypudding (at) aol.com with your snail mail address so I can connect you with your prize. 

Thanks again to everyone who entered this challenge and also to Carol for her creativity, inspiration and friendship. 

The new challenge is underway and is already shaping up to be another goody. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #77 - Just Elfing Around!


For Challenge #77 I'm delighted to welcome back the lady with the flower in her hair AKA Di Wray from Pixie's Crafty Workshop. Hello, Di, it's great to have you here again.

Di has chosen a fun challenge for us: 

Challenge #77 - Just Elfing Around!

We'd love to see an elf or elves on your cards this month!

And just look at the card Di's created to launch the challenge - isn't it fun!

I do like this little elf silhouette and his dangerously teetering stack of gifts. You can find all the details of how Di made her lovely card by clicking here.

This is what I made:

I had such a blast colouring these two - don't they look mischievous? Obviously fresh from their 'Elf on the Shelf' activities! I'm surprised to discover this fun set is still for sale over at MFT. 

For our Random Raffle this month I decided we shouldn't just have Rudolph's portrait on show - we should have Di's picture too as she has very kindly provided the prize for this challenge. Thank you Di, you're a total star! 

You know what, I think this month we'll have a combined random prize giving and call it: Di's Dream Draw and Rudolph's Random Raffle!


We can't wait to see what you create for our challenge!

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