Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Christmas Kickstart Challenge #25 - The Christmas Story

Welcome to Challenge #25! Are we feeling Christmassy yet? Not long now until the big day is finally here - thank goodness we've all been making Christmas cards for so long! Just need the time to write them now...

This is a very special challenge; first of all I'm delighted to welcome back the lovely Janis from Her Peaceful Garden who was my very first elf all the way back in January.


The second reason this feels special is because of the theme:

Challenge #25 - The Christmas Story

What better challenge as we count down to that most special of days, remember the reason for the season and celebrate the birth of that very special baby.

Janis has created a glorious special-fold card in blue, cream and gold for this challenge.

Just look at that stunning inside with the sky filled with stars above that beautiful manger scene. You can visit Janis's blog here to find out how she created her beautiful card.

Here's my card for the challenge. You can find the details on my blog.

We'd love to see your Stars, Wise Men, donkeys, shepherds, angels, cribs and anything that links to the Christmas story.

Rudolph is cock-a-hoop to announce that we have a very special prize
 for his Random Raffle for this challenge.
Jane's Doodles

The lovely Jane from Jane's Doodles is offering a $25.00 voucher. Jane has a gorgeous range of stamps, including some beautiful Christmas images and I'm very grateful that she's agreed to sponsor Challenge #25. BTW, she currently has some of her Christmas sets on sale!

Hope you will join us and play along!


  1. Fabulous inspirations!! Congrats to Janis for her well deserved GD spot!!

  2. Beautiful card, Jo, for this beautiful theme!! I love that layered Bethlehem scene and your gorgeous sky and star!
    Thank you so much for inviting me to be your Guest Elf!!
    Merry Christmas to all!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  3. Fab cards ladies and a fun theme. Hugz

  4. Thank you for the challenge. Lovely cards.

  5. Happy to find this challenge for Christmas cards!

  6. Hi Ladies

    Great theme and fabby inspiration from you both!

    I have really enjoyed playing along with this challenge - it has certainly took away some of the Christmas stress for me this year! Thank you Jo!

    Love Jules xx

    Love Jules xx


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