Thursday, August 15, 2024

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #89 - Reminder


Welcome back, can you believe we're half-way through August? 

We're in excellent company this month as my sweet friend Gundi is performing the elfin duties for us. Thanks, Gundi, it's great to have you here!

Gundi picked a great theme for our August Challenge

Challenge #89 - Animal Antics

We'd love to see your take on animals playing in the snow. 

At the time of typing this we have twelve gorgeous creations in the gallery, including this beauty from Nives. Thanks, Nives! Gundi and I would love to see a few more cards in the gallery before the end of the month.

Gundi has very kindly created a card for this Reminder, and what a cutie it is too! I love the skating friends framed by the tree, and just look at how Gundi has created the frozen pond - so pretty. You can see her post here

Here's a little reminder of Gundi's first card for this challenge...

Inspired by her naughty mice, I made this card, plus a little story:

"Sybil the Shrew was sad; the mice had been so naughty towards her friend the snowman. She found a special present for him, wrapped it carefully in pretty paper, and went to wish him a Merry Christmas." 

My final card is a sweet penguin waddling a little happy dance as the snow begins to fall.

Rudolph has a fun prize to match our theme for his Random Raffle:

Gundi and I both hope you'll come and join the fun!

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