Friday, July 5, 2024

Let's Trim the Tree for Challenge #87

It's time to Trim the Tree for Challenge #87!

For this challenge we were joined by the lovely Denise from The Crafty Den.

Thanks so much for your company and your inspiration, Denise, it was great fun having you as our elf for this challenge. 

We had 32 fabulous entries for this challenge - which I think is pretty amazing for a Christmas Challenge in June. Thank you to everyone who played along. 

Our theme was:
It's a Gift

Our Top Picks for this challenge are:

Isn't Meghan's card just the sweetest!

Love all the detail on Gail's card - just look at the background 
and the palm trees behind those fabulous guys!

We both love this so much!

Just look at Bonnie's perfect placement of the star 
and that added fluffy stuff!

Our Winner and Star on the Tree for this week is:

Oh what fun! indeed. Just look at Leslie's beautiful colouring.

Congratulations to you all, I hope you'll enjoy flaunting your blog badges for all the world to see!

It's time to announce the winner of Rudolph's Random Raffle... 


#6 - Helen  It's you!

Congratulations, Helen, please email me a dottypudding (at) with your snail mail address so I can connect you with your prize. 

Thanks again to Denise for all the creativity, fun and friendship she brought to this challenge. There's a brand new challenge in progress, and as you know, I always love a crafting coincidence, so why not drop by and discover the identity of our new elfin muse! See you there. 


  1. Congrats to tree topper Leslie and to all the top picks - gorgeous cards everyone! Thanks Jo & Denise for a fun challenge!!

  2. Thank you so much for including my card as a Top Pick - I'm honoured. Congratulations to the other Top Picks and the Winner.

  3. Thank you sooo much for a top pick and CONGRATS Helen!

  4. Congrats everyone. Love that you love my wise men. Thanks. Hugz


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