Monday, September 18, 2023

Let's trim the Tree for Challenge #77

If you're thinking that this post is slightly later than usual then you'd be right as I've been enjoying some late Summer sun in Portugal! 

Our lovely elf for Challenge #77 was Di Wray and together we invited you to come Elfing Around with us during August! Thanks so much, Di, it's always such a joy to partner-up with you!

We had some really gorgeous entries for our challenge and choosing a few cards to showcase has been really tricky. 

Our Top Picks for this challenge are:

#3 - Kate

Isn't this just so much fun! A beautiful CAS card with a lovely touch of whimsy. 

So colourful, and so beautifully made, 
and just look at that sweet couple under the mistletoe!

#19 - Bonnie

We both love Bonnie's adorable CAS elf!

Beautifully coloured and so sweet!

Our Winner and Tree Topper for this week is:

Isn't this just the sweetest scene? Val's put in so much work to create her lovely card.

Congratulations to you all, I hope you enjoy flaunting your blog badges for all the world to see!

Our Random Raffle was slightly different for this month as Di very kindly donated this fun prize! Thanks so much, Di, you really are so kind!


#6 Helen - It's you!

Congratulations, Helen, please email me a dottypudding (at) with your snail mail address so I can connect you with your prize. 

Thanks again to Di, and congratulations to our Tree Topper and Top Picks! Thanks to everyone who entered this challenge - it's not easy making Christmas/Holiday cards in the summer months and I really appreciate all our gorgeous entries for our elfin challenge.

Our current challenge with the lovely Kimberley is still ongoing, so why not come along and join the fun???  And please don't forget that in October we'll be playing a very special challenge to remember our dear friend Janis Woolbright. 

Please share this badge on your blog to spread the news. 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #78 - Reminder Post

Hi guys, it's Reminder time here at Christmas Kickstart where we're in the mad-talented company of Kimberly W from Wienerhoneymooners.


Our theme for this month is:

Challenge #78 - Chillin' with my Snowmies

And here's a reminder of Kimberley's adorable card: 

I always like to create my reminder card by taking some inspiration from the card created by our elfin guest and so here's what I came up with...

One of the things I really like about Kimberley's card is the way your eye is invited to move around the card to 'read' the full story of her creation. I used Scene Builder from Mama Elephant and a cute Jane's Doodles Snowman from Winter Icons to make my card. 

Rudolph has a lovely prize for his Random Raffle for this challenge.

Please take a look at the Challenge Guidelines above before entering the challenge. 

Kimberley and I both hope you'll come and play along!

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #78 - Chillin' with my Snowmies


It's hard to believe that we're in September, but here we are! 

This month I'm thrilled to welcome the amazing Kimberly Wiener as our elf!

"Kimberly Wiener here, and I am so excited to be guesting this challenge! I live in Washington State & started my blog Wienerhoneymooners in '08. I am obsessed with coffee, chocolate, cardmaking, my Shih Tzu Ollie, and my family. I can't wait to see what you share!  You can see more of my creations on my blog"

It's great to have you here, Kimberley and I know everyone will be truly inspired by your brilliant cardmaking skills. 

Our theme for this month is:

Challenge #78 - Chillin' with my Snowmies

And here's what Kimberly has created for our challenge! I love these little dudes and, as always, I'm blown away by Kimberly's artistic ability. Wow - nobody colours like Kimberley colours!

Completely magical!

Here's what I whipped-up for the challenge...

As you can see, I was in the mood for something very CAS.

Rudolph has chosen an adorable prize for this challenge:

Be sure to follow the guidelines to be eligible for Rudolph's Random Raffle!

Kimberley and I hope that you'll all be packing the linky gallery with your snow folk this month!

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