Monday, April 17, 2023

Let's Trim the Tree for Challenge #72

It's Tree Trimming time again as we look back at Challenge #72 where Monika from Tinker Cards and I asked you to Get Wrapped Up for Christmas!

Thanks so much for being our elf for this challenge, Monika, it was great fun chatting and getting to know you as the month progressed. We wanted to see Scarves for this challenge and you guys certainly didn't disappoint as we had 50 fabulously cosy creations in the linky gallery! Thanks so much to all our participants. Your cards were all so lovely that it was really tricky to pick just a few favourites, but this is what we came up with:

Our Top Picks for this challenge are:

#12 - Dawn

Just look at this cute couple sharing a scarf! Love the embossed snowflakes too.

#16 - Darnell


Beyond cute, and so beautifully put together too!

Our Winner and Tree Topper for this week is:

Doesn't that deer look cosy? We both love this witty take on our theme. 

Congratulations to you all, I hope you enjoy flaunting your blog badges for all the world to see!

Finally, there's just time to announce the winner of Rudolph's Random Raffle:


#14 - Gail (Crafty Nomad)... It's you!

Congratulations, Gail, please email me a dottypudding (at) with your snail mail address so I can connect you with your prize. 

Thanks again to Monika for wearing her elf hat for this one, it was great partnering with you! The current challenge is underway, but needs a few more cards in the gallery so please break out your gnomes and come join the fun!

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Challenge #73 - Reminder Post


Hi there, Kickstarters, I hope you're having a fab day. This month we're all about Gnomes as we play... 

Challenge #73 - Gnome for Christmas

We have the lovely Gail from Crafty Nomad as our elf and here's a quick reminder of the delightful rocker card she made as her inspiration piece for the challenge

I just fell in love with Gail's card and decided to shamelessly CASE it! It rocks like a dream.

You can find all the details of how I made my card by clicking here

Don't forget that Rudolph's Random Raffle is for this cute little penguin stamp set and everyone who follows the challenge guidelines will go into the draw for this little cutie. 

Gail and I can't wait to see what you make for this challenge!

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Challenge #73 - Gnome for Christmas


It's time for Challenge #73 here at Christmas Kickstart and we've got one of our regular elves dropping by to supply the inspiration... Welcome back, Gail, it's always great to have you here!

Our theme for this challenge (chosen by Gail) is...

Challenge #73 - Gnome for Christmas

We'd like to see your Gnomes and Gnomettes for this challenge, please.

Here's what Gail created... Isn't it brilliant? I love her fun trio of rocking gnomes.

Here's my card...

Isn't this Santa Gnome adorably cute? I had fun colouring him and only hope that he isn't stuck in that chimney pot! You can find all the details by visiting my blog by clicking here

It wouldn't be Christmas Kickstart without Rudolph and his Random Raffle and here he is with his prize for this challenge:


Admittedly, not a gnome, but a very cute prize all the same. Nice work, Rudolph.

Rudolph has asked me to add the Challenge Guidelines to this post so that everyone knows what they have to do to be eligible for his Random Raffle. So here they are:

Challenge Rules and Guidelines: 

  • Like and/or follow this blog either via Blogger or Bloglovin, or Email. 
  • Add the URL link from your project after it has been uploaded to your online craft gallery or blog to the Linky tool
  • Please mention and link back to this post/blog to let people know about this fun challenge!
  • I'd appreciate cards made especially for this challenge, but I understand that we all love challenges and the additional traffic they bring, so please link a card that fits NO MORE THAN 8 CHALLENGES including this. 
  • New Challenges will commence on the first Tuesday of each new month. 
  • Please enter a max of 3 cards per challenge.
  • Preferably no back linking to older projects, please.
  • Please remember to reference a fellow crafter's creations if your card has been inspired by their work.

Both Gail and I can't wait to see what you create for this theme so please come and join the fun!

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