Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Reminder Post for Challenge #57 and a Happy Christmas to you all!


Ho, ho, ho!

With Christmas only 10 days away our reminder post seemed like the right time and place to send you all Season's Greetings and to say a big thank you to everyone who has played along here during 2021.

We've had some fabulous elves, great inspiration and fun themes to help you KICKSTART your Christmas card making across the year and we'll be doing it all again in 2022 commencing January 4th!

It isn't Christmas for me unless Snowy gets inked-up and makes it onto a card...

This cute, little snow-dude just has to be one of my all time favourite festive images. 

The final challenge for 2021 can be found here and don't forget we have a brilliant prize in Rudolph's Random Raffle. 

Thanks again to our wonderful 2021 elves, to our generous sponsors and most of all, thanks to you for making this little challenge blog a heap of fun. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to you and those you love.

See you in 2022!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #57 - If It's Christmassy, Link It Up!

It's a little quiet here in Kickstart Central as all our elves are home with their loved ones, and it's just Rudolph and me waiting for Santa!

Yes, it's the final challenge for 2021 and what a year it's been in oh, so many different ways. Thankyou to everyone who has dropped by and/or played along during this time, you make this so much fun and I'm very grateful for all your visits and comments.

The challenge theme for December is:

Challenge #57 - If It's Christmassy, Link It Up!

This is pretty much an Anything Goes Challenge, but if you need a little inspiration then why not look back at the work of the wonderfully inspirational elves who've guested here at Christmas Kickstart during the past year.

A big thank you to everyone who inspired us during 2021.

February 2021- Slimline Cards

Jane from Onions and Paper
April 2021 - You Sleigh Me!

May 2021 - Santa and Friends

Thankyou so much, ladies, it's been a real pleasure getting to know you all and seeing your gorgeous card designs. What brilliant company you've all been.

As I said, I'm on a solo run for December as I think the festive season is busy enough without having to be on Elf Duty. So, here's what I've made for this final challenge of 2021:


I do love me an inky background and red stamping! You can see all the details of these makes over on my blog.

Rudolph is here with his final Random Raffle of 2021, and he's done us proud again with this lovely prize from Sizzix! 

Please remember to read the challenge rules so you can go into the hat for this random prize draw. 

I can't wait to see what you create for our final challenge of 2021.

Challenge Rules and Guidelines: 

  • Like and/or follow this blog either via Blogger or Bloglovin, or Email.  
  • Please mention and link back to this post/blog to let people know about this fun challenge!
  • I'd appreciate cards made especially for this challenge, but I understand that we all love challenges and the additional traffic they bring, so please link a card that fits NO MORE THAN 8 CHALLENGES including this. 
  • New Challenges will commence on the first Tuesday of each new month. 
  • Please enter a max of 3 cards per challenge.
  • Preferably no back linking to older projects, please.
  • Please remember to reference a fellow crafter's creations if your card has been inspired by their work.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

It's Time to Trim the Tree for Challenge #56

We were in brilliant company for Challenge #56 - Christmas Snippets with the very lovely Di - The Queen of Snippets as our elfin inspiration.

Thank you so much for being a fabulous elf, Di! You've been so supportive, so generous with your time and creativity, and great fun 'backstage'. I can't thank you enough.

And you guys, haven't you been amazing too? The standard has been nothing short of jaw dropping for this challenge and a 112 beautiful snippets cards filled the gallery! Thank goodness I had Di to hold my hand and help me pick some favourites. Our short list was very long and I'm sorry that so many of you just missed out for our Top Picks.

Top Picks 

We both loved how Greta used the Disappearing Nine Patch technique for her card.
(You can see Greta's card on Instagram by clicking her name.)
Such a classy design using parcel snippets.
Elegance, simplicity and perfect positioning of the different 
elements combine to make this a truly beautiful card.

Prudence blew us away with her careful and creative Christmas tree card.
(You can see Prudence's card on Instagram by clicking her name.)

Our Winner and Tree Topper for this challenge is:

Bobby's use of her snippets is just brilliant. 
Just think how much patience and care has gone into this design.

Congratulations to you all, please grab your blog badges and flaunt them for all the world to see, envy and enjoy!

Finally, here's the wonderful Rudolph with the results of his Random Raffle. 

We were very fortunate to be sponsored by Stickerkitten for this challenge and our lucky randomly drawn winner is:

Congratulations, Margreet, please email me at dottypudding(at) so that I can pass your address details to Sarah so she can arrange for you to spend your prize. A very big thankyou to Sarah and James of Stickerkitten for being our sponsors this month. If you've not taken a look at their shop, please do so as they have some gorgeous stamps, design papers and other goodies at very reasonable prices and are offering 10% off to everyone who has played in this challenge.

Thanks again to Di, to Stickerkitten and to everyone who entered this challenge. You guys just make this challenge so much fun and I'm so grateful to the gorgeous folk of Cardland for playing along throughout the year.

There's just a couple of days until a new challenge begins, so I hope to see you back here again very soon!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Reminder Post Challenge #56 - Christmas Snippets


Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you how many days there are now until Christmas, but I am going to let you know it's mid-month time for the current challenge here at Christmas Kickstart!

We're in good company this month as we have Queen of the Snippets lovely Di from Pixie's Crafty Playground. If you're not sure what a 'snippet' is just take a look the picture below...

Challenge #56 - Christmas Snippets

Yes, we're playing with those pieces of design paper that we all hoard, but never know what to do with... Until now!

Here's what Di used to create her adorable card.

I love that Di decided to use her snippets to paper piece her card, and so couldn't resist giving this fun technique a whirl myself. Here are my snippets all laid out and ready to go.

Love this set from Jane's Doodles.

My second card makes use of this gorgeous set from our sponsor for this challenge. I created some little flags from sentiment banner dies. 

Rudolph is delighted that his Random Raffle for this challenge has been sponsored by Sarah and James.

They are generously offering a £10.00 voucher for their lovely online store; you really do need to take a look at what they have on offer AND they are offering 10% off for anyone playing in this challenge! There's a Dala Horse Bundle that is calling to me very loudly.

We hope you'll come and play along before this challenge ends on November 30th!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Let's trim the Tree for Challenge #55

It's Tree Trimming time here at Christmas Kickstart as we say a very big thank you to Lynne for being our elf and for playing 'Make One for a Loved One'. Thanks Lynne, it was fun partnering with you again... and I hope Greg likes his Christmas card when he finally receives it!

Our Top Picks for this challenge are as follows:


What a beautifully made card. We both love the colours and the cute bear's hat.


A stunning silhouette against a gorgeous night sky.

A lovely combination of die cut and great colouring to create a sweet scene.

Our winner who Tops the Tree with this beautiful card is...


What fabulous colouring, crisp heat embossing and a lovely colour palette. 
Well done, Robyn.

Congratulations to all our winners and a big thank you to everyone who took part in this challenge. Lynne and I were blown away by your cards; the gallery looked amazing!

Please grab your badges, we hope you like them.

Finally, here's your friend and mine: let's welcome the amazing Mr Rudolph!

And it's a very good day for Carol as she is also Rudolph's Random Raffle Winner!

Congratulations, #3 - Carol!

Please contact me at dottypudding (at) with your snail mail address so I can connect you with your prize.

There's a new challenge and a new elf on offer for November, an inspiring fun theme and we have a brilliant prize, so why not click here and come take a look???

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