Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Christmas Kickstart Challenge #15 - Festive Things with Wings

Welcome to Episode #15 of The Christmas Kickstart Challenge. In this fortnight's episode crafters in the Northern Hemisphere will create Christmas cards while sweating and turning up the air con!

Yes, I did wonder how it would feel making Christmas cards in July and the answer seems to be HOT, very hot.

For this challenge we're joined again by my buddy Gail from Crafty Nomad. At some point I guess I may have to consider letting let her keep the elf hat!

Thanks, Gail, it's great to have you elfing here again.

 For this challenge we'd like to see 
Festive Things with Wings!

Gail's Card
Love those wings!

Here's my creation. 

To be honest I'm not sure if penguins have 'wings' as such (I think they actually have flippers) but, hey, these guys are cute and kinda flappy...

For this challenge Gail, Rudolph and myself wish to thank our sponsors Lost Coast Designs for providing this gorgeous stamp as a prize for Rudolph's Random Raffle.

If you'd like to see some samples of this sweet little guy you can take a look at the fabulous inspiration at The Lost Coast Blog. The team have been celebrating Christmas in July with some beautiful festive creations. You can also read more about Gail's card by heading here over at The Lost Coast Portal.
Hope you can join us for this fun challenge!


  1. Great cards for inspiration on the things with wings theme

  2. I'm taking your lead with the penguin "wings", haha!

  3. Racing in here with a quickie, but I have another card already in progress to enter soon. BTW.....Penguins definitely have wings, even though they use them as flippers. The penquin on my card, however, isn't even using them for that. He's just not using them. lol...

    Thank you for another wonderful challenge. I love Gail's angel, who can't help but show off those fancy wings just a teensy bit. :) Jo, your smooching penguins are so sweet. Love this theme and LOVE that stamp the Lost Coast Designs has so generously provided as a prize!! (Oh, please choose me, Mr. Random.Org!!!)
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  4. Thanks for the nudge Jo, I'd completely forgotten about this time's theme - usually once I've entered a challenge once, my brain shuts out all thoughts of it until time for the new theme. But you're right, my owls do fit the challenge so here they are!

  5. Only just made it with just 2 hours to spare .. .. phew!!!

    Thank you for another lovely challenge and great inspiration.

    Love Jules xx


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