Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Let's Trim the Tree for Challenge #15

I think that must have been the fastest fortnight on record - where did the time go for Challenge #15?

A very big thank you to everyone who played along with Festive Things with Wings, you guys are amazing! Talking of amazing, a huge thank you to Gail for once again undertaking her elfin duties with style, panache and a little dash of crazy!

The entires for this challenge were all just lovely and we had a hard time choosing our Top Picks and our Star.

Our Top Picks are:

Such a sweet and cheeky angel.

We both love all the red on this card and that sweet bird bauble.

That hat! Trina's colouring of this little fellah is gorgeous.

Our Winner and Star on the Tree is:

A cute robin and a gorgeous card design.

Congratulations to Dawn, Fabiola, Trina and Bonnie - please grab your blog badges!

And things just got even better for Bonnie as she is the lucky winner of Rudolph's Random Raffle prize!

Congratulations, Bonnie, please contact me via the box in the sidebar to claim your lovely prize donated by our kind sponsors Lost Coast Designs.

Thanks again to Gail, and to Lost Coast Designs for all their help with this challenge. There's a new challenge currently up and running and a new elf on board, so please come take a look and join in all the fun!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Christmas Kickstart Challenge #16 - Christmas Card/Christmas Card: Christmas Tree

Welcome card fans, it's time for another fun challenge here at The Christmas Kickstart and just look who has agreed to come on board as our elf for this challenge... Yes, it's the lovely Darnell, queen of the Twofer and NBUS Challenges!

Hi Darnell, it's great to have you here!

"I have been stamping and making cards since 2002. I enjoy every minute spent in my Playhouse making cards and making friends through my personal blog djkardkreations and my challenge blog, Twofer Card ChallengeI have a very tolerant Mister who supports my hobby and an imaginary hamster who keeps me in line.This is a wonderful, artistic, and giving community and I'm blessed to be a part of it. I'm delighted to be joining Jo as her elf for this Christmas Kickstart/Twofer Inspired fun!"

I'm thrilled to have Darnell here for this fortnight and we've had a great time emailing back and forth and pulling together the ideas for this challenge. We decided it would be fun if everyone made 'Twofer' cards for this challenge using the prompt CHRISTMAS TREE.

Challenge #16 - Christmas Card. Christmas Card. 
Theme - Christmas Tree.

To make your card a 'Twofer', you should create two different design layouts when making your cards. As an example of preparing two different designs for your cards, Darnell and I have each prepared our Twofer Christmas Tree cards to inspire you:

You can find out all the details of how Darnell made her gorgeous cards by heading over to her blog.

My cards for this challenge use the same Hero Arts Christmas Tree stamp, but in very different ways.

As always, Rudolph is here with a Random Raffle Prize and for this challenge he's got a little help from Darnell's sidekick Hammy! They seem to be getting on famously.

Rudolph has chosen a gorgeous stamp set from Darkroom door as the prize for this challenge. Let's be honest, he's gonna have to wrestle this one from my grasp as it's a beauty!

Please come and play along with Darnell and I. We're very much looking forward to seeing your Christmas Card. Christmas Card - Christmas Tree cards using two different designs! You don't need to take one photo of both your cards together for the gallery, but you can if you wish. 

Challenge Rules and Guidelines: 

  • Like and/or follow this blog either via Blogger or Bloglovin, or Email. 
  • Add the URL link from your project after it has been uploaded to your online craft gallery or blog to the Linky tool
  • Please mention and link back to this post/blog to let people know about this fun challenge!
  • I'd appreciate cards made especially for this challenge, but I understand that we all love challenges and the additional traffic they bring, so please link a card that fits NO MORE THAN 8 CHALLENGES including this. 
  • New Challenges will commence fortnightly on a Tuesday. 
  • Please enter a max of 3 cards per challenge.
  • Preferably no back linking to older projects, please.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Let's trim the Tree for Challenge #14

Welcome back, it's time to Trim the Tree here at The Christmas Kickstart Challenge.

A big thank you to my elf for this challenge, Monika from Creative with Monika.

Our theme for this challenge was 'Your Hot Beverage of Choice' and after a slow start we had some truly gorgeous entires. Thanks so much to everyone who played along, it was lovely to see your beautiful work.

Our Top Picks for this challenge are:

What a great way to use that beautiful design paper.

A fabulous selection of retro loveliness.

More retro fun and a gorgeous colour combo.

Our Star on the Tree for this challenge is

We both loved the design, the colour palette and the cute crockery. 

Well done, please grab your blog badges.

 This really was a super-tricky one to call as the standard of entries was just amazing - thanks to eveyone who played along.

Finally, here's the hunky Rudolph to announce the winner of his Random Raffle:
Kaisercraft Mint Wishes CLEAR STAMPS

It's a good week for Fabiola as she wins a top pick slot AND this cute stamp set! 
Well done, Fabiola, please could you contact me via the comments box in the sidebar with your snail mail details.

There's a new elf and a new challenge on offer and a gorgeous stamp prize from our sponsors Lost Coast Designs, so why not come on over and join the fun!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Christmas Kickstart Challenge #15 - Festive Things with Wings

Welcome to Episode #15 of The Christmas Kickstart Challenge. In this fortnight's episode crafters in the Northern Hemisphere will create Christmas cards while sweating and turning up the air con!

Yes, I did wonder how it would feel making Christmas cards in July and the answer seems to be HOT, very hot.

For this challenge we're joined again by my buddy Gail from Crafty Nomad. At some point I guess I may have to consider letting let her keep the elf hat!

Thanks, Gail, it's great to have you elfing here again.

 For this challenge we'd like to see 
Festive Things with Wings!

Gail's Card
Love those wings!

Here's my creation. 

To be honest I'm not sure if penguins have 'wings' as such (I think they actually have flippers) but, hey, these guys are cute and kinda flappy...

For this challenge Gail, Rudolph and myself wish to thank our sponsors Lost Coast Designs for providing this gorgeous stamp as a prize for Rudolph's Random Raffle.

If you'd like to see some samples of this sweet little guy you can take a look at the fabulous inspiration at The Lost Coast Blog. The team have been celebrating Christmas in July with some beautiful festive creations. You can also read more about Gail's card by heading here over at The Lost Coast Portal.
Hope you can join us for this fun challenge!

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Let's Trim the Tree for Challenge #13

Hi there everyone, welcome to another thrilling installment of Tree Trimming!

A very big thank you to everyone who played along with this one - we had some stunning entries and picking just a few to showcase has been very, very difficult. Thank goodness I had my trusy elf, Greta, on hand to help me out. Thanks, Greta, you've been a total star!

Our Top Picks are as follows:

So this is how Santa spends his time 'Down Under'.

A beautiful colour combo and a perfect combination of layers and sparkle.

We both fell hard for this fabulously CAS creation and all that glorious sparkle.

And because we couldn't pick just three Top Picks, we've chosen four!

We both loved all the sparkle and shine on this beautifully stenciled card.

Our Star on the Tree for this challenge is:

We love that this gorgeous card lights up.

I know, amazing!

Please grab your blog badges, ladies!

Finally, here's Rudolph to announce the winner of his Random Raffle...

Congratulations, Pia. Please could you contact me with your address details via the form on the sidebar.

Once again, thanks for Greta for performing her elfy duties and to everyone who entered this challenge. Challenge #14 - Your Hot Beverage of Choice is currently underway and is a little bit quiet at the moment, so why not break out your cups, coffee pots and hot chocolate stamps and come play along!

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