Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Reminder Post for Challenge #68

It's Reminder time for Challenge #68 and I'm totally stoked to have mascot Edna and The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers with me this month to play Trees, Trees, Trees!

Sisters Chris and Barbara join me for this post. Chris is in the process of moving house, but still made time to create this beautiful card for the challenge...

Isn't this a stunner? I love it.

And Sister Barb made this little beauty because she's as kind as she is talented.

Just look at all the lovely layers.

Here's my card. I teamed Uniko Stars with a blended sky, Tim Holtz trees and a Woodware sentiment, which appears to be discontinued. These sentiments are similar

Rudolph has a sweet Random Raffle prize for this challenge.

Please don't forget to check out the Challenge Guidelines before signing up.

Thanks again to the Sisters for being our elves this month. We all hope you'll come join the fun!

Monday, November 7, 2022

Let's trim the Tree for Challenge #67

It's time to Trim the Tree for Challenge #67. 

Our guest elf for this challenge was the lovely Janet from Swanlady Impressions.

Janet picked a brilliant theme for our challenge and the cards you made showed that this one really hit the spot for so many of you.

Choosing a few cards to showcase wasn't easy, but here are the one's that really got our pulses racing.

Our Top Picks for this challenge are:

#34 - Susan B.

Both Janet and I love the CAS styling and beautiful embellishments on this card. 

                                                        #11 - Sally

The combination of gold foiling and dreamy watercolouring really make Sally's card something special.

#58 - Fran W.

Janet was especially wowed by how Fran’s highlighted elements of her 

background stamp and given it a focal point and dimension. 

The colours really 'pop' and work so well together for a classic Christmas combo.

Our Winner and Tree Topper for this week is:

Isn't Linda's box card a thing of beauty! 
Just look at the layers and the details: amazing creation! 

Congratulations to you all, I hope you enjoy flaunting your blog badges for all the world to see!

Once again, many thanks to everyone who played along. And a very big, big thank you to Janet who was the dream date for this challenge. Thanks you so much, Janet it's been brilliant having you as elf for this challenge.

Rudolph is here to announce his Random Raffle Winner...

#37  It's you, Helen!

Congratulations, Helen, please email me a dottypudding (at) aol.com with your snail mail address so I can connect you with your prize. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Challenge #68 - Trees, Trees, Trees!


And next month it'll be December... and December means Christmas! But of course that's not going to worry you Christmas Kickstarters because you've been making cards all year long and have a stash of gorgeous creations all ready to drop in the mail! Right?

This month I'm delighted to be joined by a fabulous crew The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers - the best girl gang in the world!

The Sisterhood never go anywhere without our mascot Edna, so here she is! And doesn't she look fine in her elf hat!

We have a great theme for you...

#68 - Trees, Trees, Trees!

For the whole of November we'd like to see twigs, branches, logs, a tree, two trees, a wood, a forest or perhaps an indoor scene with a Christmas Tree - the choice is yours!

Here's what the sistahs have created to inspire you!

Here's Rudolph with his penultimate Rudolph's Random Raffle of 2022 and I hope you notice that the cute little penguin guy has trees on his woolly pully. Nice touch, Rudolph! 


We all hope that you come and join the fun!

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