Friday, April 15, 2022

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #61 Reminder


Welcome back! It's reminder time for Challenge #61 here at Christmas Kickstart! This month I'm delighted to be joined once again by my buddy Gail AKA Crafty Nomad. BTW, it's Gail's birthday on April 22nd, so why not drop by at her blog and leave her some love!

Our theme for April is:

Challenge #61 - From My Gnome to Yours!

Here's Gail's quirky, cute take on the theme. You can find the details on her blog here

Here's my 'Inspired by...' creation. I liked that Gail had made her gnome take centre stage on her card, so I did the same.

I paper-pieced his hat from a tiny snippet of Christmas paper and added a second beard and body over the top of the first to give depth. He's doing a little 'jazz hands' for us.

I hope you like the sweet little gnome guy that Rudolph has chosen as our Random Raffle prize for this month. Anyone who enters and has followed the guidelines will be eligible to go into the drawer to win this little cutie.

Please check through the challenge rules before linking your entry, and we look forward to seeing your gnomies! You have until April 30th to enter.

Challenge Rules and Guidelines: 

  • Like and/or follow this blog either via Blogger or Bloglovin, or Email. 
  • Please mention and link back to this post/blog to let people know about this fun challenge!
  • I'd appreciate cards made especially for this challenge, but I understand that we all love challenges and the additional traffic they bring, so please link a card that fits NO MORE THAN 8 CHALLENGES including this. 
  • New Challenges will commence on the first Tuesday of each new month. 
  • Please enter a max of 3 cards per challenge.
  • Preferably no back linking to older projects, please.
  • Please remember to reference a fellow crafter's creations if your card has been inspired by their work.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Let's Trim the Tree for Challenge #60


Hi there, I'm back to Trim the Tree for Challenge #60 where we played Snowflakes are Winter's Butterflies in the company of Carol from Inky Fingers.

Carol created a beautiful card, and I'm sure many of you were inspired by her design to play along and break out your snowflake stamps and dies. Thanks so much, Carol, it was lovely to partner-up with you for this challenge.

We had some gorgeous entries for this challenge and as always, choosing just a few to showcase was tricky. Here's what we went with for our Top Picks:


We both swooned over Marcia's choice of image and beautiful border.


Isn't Fabiola's card gorgeous?  Love that 'hanging' snowflake.

We just love this sweet scene and how Sidan used the snowflakes on her card.

Our Winner and Tree Topper for this week is

Carol and I both love this little step card!

Congratulations to you all, please grab your blog badges below. Thanks again to everyone who entered this challenge - your cards were a joy to see. 

Finally, Rudolph is here to announce the Winner of his Random Raffle. 

Congratulations, it's you #35 - Heather M

Well done, Heather! Please email me at dottypudding(at) so I can connect you with your prize.

Thanks again to Carol for her expert elfing, and to everyone who played along. We've got a fun, new challenge on offer and a very familiar elf too. I wonder who it could be? Why not drop by and take a look!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #61 - From My Gnome to Yours!


Welcome to Challenge #61 here at Christmas Kickstart! I'm delighted to be joined by my buddy Gail AKA Crafty Nomad who has once again agreed to wear the elf hat and inspire us with a fabulous card!

Our theme is:

Challenge #61 - From My Gnome to Yours!

We'd like to see a gnome or multiple gnomes on your cards for this month, please!

Here's Gail's take on the theme - isn't he fun? I love how CAS her card is and her minimal colouring is perfect for this little guy. You can find the details on her blog here

Here's my gnome. Isn't he adorbs? You can find all the details on my blog.

And guess what... Rudolph has only gone and bagged that sweet little gnome guy as our Random Raffle prize for this month!

He's from LOTV and is so much fun to colour. Anyone entering the challenge will go into our random draw to win this little guy. 

Please check through the challenge rules before linking your entry, and we look forward to seeing your gnomies! 

Challenge Rules and Guidelines: 

  • Like and/or follow this blog either via Blogger or Bloglovin, or Email. 
  • Please mention and link back to this post/blog to let people know about this fun challenge!
  • I'd appreciate cards made especially for this challenge, but I understand that we all love challenges and the additional traffic they bring, so please link a card that fits NO MORE THAN 8 CHALLENGES including this. 
  • New Challenges will commence on the first Tuesday of each new month. 
  • Please enter a max of 3 cards per challenge.
  • Preferably no back linking to older projects, please.
  • Please remember to reference a fellow crafter's creations if your card has been inspired by their work.

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