Thursday, October 14, 2021

Reminder post for Challenge #55 - Make One for a Loved One


Hi there, are you playing along with our current challenge here at Christmas Kickstart?

We've got the lovely Lynne from Ruby-Dooby-Doo Crafts as our elfin inspiration this month and we're making a card for a loved one.

Here's the card that Lynne has made for her significant other, Greg. Isn't it gorgeous? 

For my 'Inspired by card...' I knew I wanted to steal Lynne's idea of featuring a cute dog in a hat and very nearly broke out the same MFT set as Lynne used. However, I spied this card made by Susan, who was one of our Top Picks for the September Challenge. I fell head over heals with Susan's card AND that image, and so this happened!

This adorable stamp is from Penny Black and is called Naughty or Nice? This card is for my parents and I love the little story it tells.

Rudolph has a great prize for his Random Raffle for this challenge:


Lynne and I really hope you'll come and play along for this one!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #55 - Make One for a Loved One

It's Challenge #55 and I'm welcoming back a brilliant blogging buddy of mine who has agreed to wear the elf hat for a second time!

Yes, it's the lovely Lynne from Ruby Dooby Doo Crafts. Thanks so much for making a return appearance here at Christmas Kickstart, Lynne. 

A while back I was chatting with Lynne and she joked that she always makes her partner Greg's Christmas card at the very last minute. I made a mental note of what she'd said and decided to have a little fun with this information! I contacted Lynne a few weeks ago and told her I was planning a challenge called 'It's Time to Make Greg's Christmas Card' and would she like to play? Greg had a slightly different name for the challenge, so here's an alternative badge just for him!

However, after some deliberation (sorry, Greg!) we've decided to call the challenge 

Challenge #55 - Make One for a Loved One

We'd love to see your cards for someone special in your life, whether it's a life-partner, friend, relative or anyone you treasure, it's time to make their card and link it up!

Here's the card that gorgeous Greg will be receiving on Christmas day. You can find out all the details by visiting Lynne's blog.

And here's what I've made for for my significant other...

My hubbly really likes penguins, so I thought this would be a great stamp to use for his card. You can find all the details here.

Rudolph has another great prize for his Random Raffle:


Lynne and I really hope you'll come and play along for this one!

Saturday, October 2, 2021

It's Time to Trim the Tree for Challenge

I know I always say it but goodness, has this past month flown by or what?

Thank you to everyone who played along in Challenge #54. This was a very popular challenge and it was great to see so many fun cards in the September gallery. 

Thank you so much to the lovely Anesha for being our elfin inspiration. We had plenty of laughs together over this theme!

After considerable deliberation Our Top Picks are as follows:


Isn't this just so cute and funny? Love the colours too.

This one really made us both chuckle, and again the colour combo is beautiful.

Love that cheeky llama!

So cute and witty!

Topping the Tree for this challenge is:

Michelle B.

This one really made us giggle - what a cutie!

Congratulations to our Top Picks and Winner. Please grab your badges and let your blogs wear them with pride!

Finally, here's our favourite reindeer around town with the results of his Random Raffle for this challenge...

It's you #14 - Jenny Martin.

Congratulations, Jenny, please could you email me at dottypudding (at) with your snail mail address and I'll connect you with your prize!

Thanks again to Anesha and to everyone who took part in this challenge. Both Anesha loved seeing your cards and you certainly prove how much fun and humour there is out there in Cardland.

There'll be another challenge along in a few days time, and I look forward to introducing you to our elf who may just have been a guest before. Mmmmm, who could it be? Join us on Tuesday 5th October to find out.

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