Thursday, April 15, 2021

It's Reminder Time for Challenge #49

Well, I don't know about you but for me this month seems to be speeding along like a sled whizzing down a mountain.

Did you see what I did there? A seamless segue from welcome to challenge theme! LOL.

Yes, welcome to Christmas Kickstart again. This month our theme is:

Our lovely elfin companion for Challenge #49 is Jane from Onions and Paper.

Here's a reminder of Jane's lovely inspiration card for this challenge.

I love brown and blue together and decided to take my inspiration from Jane's colour combo for my card.

My cute penguin, the sack of pressies and the sledge are all from from a Hobby Art set called, appropriately enough, Penguins. A big thank you to my blogging bud Gail for gifting me this lovely set.

I wanted to add some embellishments, but just couldn't make it work no matter what I tried. In the end I just left it alone - sometimes you just gotta do that.

Jane and I would love to see a few more players in the gallery, so please read the rules and come join the fun! You have until Friday 30th April to play along.

Challenge Rules and Guidelines: 

  • Like and/or follow this blog either via Blogger or Bloglovin, or Email. 
  • Add the URL link from your project after it has been uploaded to your online craft gallery or blog to the Linky tool
  • Please mention and link back to this post/blog to let people know about this fun challenge!
  • I'd appreciate cards made especially for this challenge, but I understand that we all love challenges and the additional traffic they bring, so please link a card that fits NO MORE THAN 8 CHALLENGES including this. 
  • New Challenges will commence on the first Tuesday of each new month. 
  • Please enter a max of 3 cards per challenge.
  • Preferably no back linking to older projects, please.
  • Please remember to reference a fellow crafter's creations if your card has been inspired by their work.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #49 - You Sleigh Me!


Welcome to a brand new challenge here at Christmas Kickstart! A big thank you to everyone who played along with the Green Christmas Challenge - your cards were amazing and I loved watching the gallery fill up with glorious shades of greenness! 

I'm delighted to be joined by a lovely new elf, and it's my good blogging buddy Jane from Onions and Paper.

"I've been a crafter since I was a toddler - my grandma taught me to crochet and embroider before I even started school. My childhood bookshelves groaned with favourites like "Dean's Bumper Book of Things to Make" and "What Shall I Do With This?" (I wish I had copies of those now) and my favourite pages of the Rupert annuals were the origami instructions. In my teens and twenties my interests moved towards knitting, crochet and dressmaking, mostly as a way of getting individual clothes at mass market prices and then, when children came along, of producing special things for them to wear. 

Once they reached their teens, we all got hooked on cross stitch and machine embroidery, but they pronounced hand made clothes "naff" so the needles, hooks and knitting machine were left to gather dust. However they still enjoyed coming to craft shows with me, where my younger daughter fell in love with rubberstamping and I did with both stamping and encaustic painting. Between us we started two new hobbies, to which I added glass painting when I turned up for an "Introduction to Stamping" class on the wrong night and was invited to stay. 

Now I'm addicted to papercrafts of all kinds but especially stamping, and my stash is threatening to take over the house. The needles and hooks are still gathering dust: the knitting machine was rehomed some years ago." 

What a fun bio, Jane. I remember the origami in the Rupert annuals too! 

Our theme for April is:

Christmas Kickstart Challenge #49 - You Sleigh Me!

This means that we're all about sledges, sleds and sleighs for the whole of April. Here's what Jane made for the challenge - don't you just love that colour combo!

You can find all the details on her blog.

I went with a bunny on a sledge, and you can find the details of how I made my card here.

There was only one image for Rudolph to pick for his Random Raffle Prize...

Jane and I very much hope you'll come and join the fun!

Challenge Rules and Guidelines: 
  • Like and/or follow this blog either via Blogger or Bloglovin, or Email. 
  • Add the URL link from your project after it has been uploaded to your online craft gallery or blog to the Linky tool
  • Please mention and link back to this post/blog to let people know about this fun challenge!
  • I'd appreciate cards made especially for this challenge, but I understand that we all love challenges and the additional traffic they bring, so please link a card that fits NO MORE THAN 8 CHALLENGES.
  • New Challenges will commence on the first Tuesday of each new month. 
  • Please enter a max of 3 cards per challenge.
  • Preferably no back linking to older projects, please.
  • Please remember to reference a fellow crafter's creations if your card has been inspired by their work.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Time to Trim the Tree for Challenge #48


Happy Easter to you all!

It's time to Trim the Tree for Challenge #48 and to say a very big thank you to my lovely and very talented elves The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers.

We had some beautiful cards for this challenge and so picking just a few to showcase has been very, very difficult. Thank goodness I had some elfin assistance.

Our Top Picks are as follows:

A sproutman - brilliant!

Beautiful watercolouring.

A beautifully simple design with great impact.

A lovely way to use the colours - the addition of gold works so well.

Our Star on the Tree for this challenge is:

Isn't this fun? We loved it.

Please grab your badges, ladies! 
Congratulations to you all, and a very big thank you to everyone who played along with this challenge.

Before we wrap things up for this challenge it's time to find out the lucky winner of Rudolph's Random Raffle. He had a lovely prize for this one.

Our winner is

Congratulations, Lindsey. Please could you email me with your postal address at dottypudding at aol dot com to collect your prize.

Thanks again to The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers and to everyone who entered this challenge. 

There will be a new elf and a new challenge on Tuesday, so see you there...

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