Better late than never, as they say! Yes, I'm finally here to Trim the Tree for Challenge #71 where we played with Baubles as our theme..
Our elf for this challenge was the lovely Bridget.
I'm so grateful to Bridget for all her help with our fun theme and for all her behind-the-scenes help, support and encouragement throughout what became a difficult month. Thanks so much, Bridget, you've been a real star.
Thank you to all our participants - your cards were so lovely and picking just a few to showcase proved a very difficult task.
Our Top Picks for this challenge are:
We both love how Silke used our theme for this sweet card.
A gorgeous colour combo and again, a sweet use of the theme.
Isn't this just so cute? A gorgeous scene within a bauble. We both loved this one.
A very clever take on the theme.
The details within the bauble really lift this card to another level.
Our Winner and Tree Topper for this week is:
Just look at this beautiful card - such a clever way to frame the little Rudolph image,
and a lovely colour palette too.
Congratulations to you all, I hope you enjoy flaunting your blog badges for all the world to see!
# 7 - Arelene Rose... It's you!
Congratulations, Arelene, please email me a dottypudding (at) with your snail mail address so I can connect you with your prize.
Thanks again to everyone who played along with this challenge, and many thanks again to Bridget. There's a new challenge on offer as our lovely elf, Monika and I wrap everything in scarves until March 31st. Hope to see you there!